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Judy has a genuine desire to see people live their most authentic life. In the last 20 years, she has helped thousands of clients focus on their mental, physical, and spiritual health as an international health and wellness coach.
Judy has numerous fitness certifications but is most passionate about building community and seeing her clients transform. She began teaching fitness classes in Los Angeles in 2009. It was a natural progression from being a professional dancer. She continued her training in Austin, Texas where she taught Mega/Versa classes…the first hybrid workout of its kind at The Lagree Studio!
Her family relocated to Phoenix, AZ in 2018 where she taught at The Body Lab and fell in love with their community and clients.
Judy is a certified Grief Recovery specialist helping people navigate grief and loss. She also teaches mindfulness and meditation techniques. She uses a holistic approach to wellness to help people heal and live wholeheartedly. Judy’s passion for growth and transformation is what makes her a great coach!
Judy doesn’t just teach resilience and mental toughness, she unfortunately has firsthand experience with it. She tragically lost her eighteen year old son, Jacob to opioid overdose. She wrote a best selling book, BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDY chronicling her experience, and introduces the GIVE Principle, her meditation and mindfulness practice that guided her through this tragic time.
Judy is so excited and eager to serve this community and is committed to bringing innovative, inspiring, and cutting edge workouts to EMPOWER you!
Transform your body, elevate your spirit, and unleash your potential with GET IT MOVEMENT! Let’s get moving together and inspire each other to be fearless! Join the GET IT MOVEMENT community to unlock exclusive offers, session updates, and wellness tips that empower your mind, body, and spirit. Sign up today and take the first step toward a fearless, healthier you!
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